She said that when she was young, another trans person told her there were three paths available to her in life: bartending, hair dressing or sex work.”Ĭruse made headlines in 2019 when a public, taxpayer-funded library hosted a “Drag Queen Story Time” event where he and another drag queen read to young children.Īccording to Cruse’s Facebook page at the time, he worked as a “Jello Shot Girl” at the gay bar Effex Albuquerque, and as the “Head Stripper” at “Shake N Bake.” This is the party who was mocking for the error earlier!🤣😅😂 /28X5blximu- FreespeechRefugee June 23, 2022Īccording to a 2021 report from the New Mexico Political Report, Cruse “has a conviction for sex work, which she is open about. HD22 cool huh! This is so humiliating that they had to gut out the actblue website & the non inclusive invitation to democrats only & cut the price in half.