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The song claims that she was born into poverty in a large family, and eventually ran away out of boredom and loneliness. In the song 'Tik Tik Tik', du Toit's fictional backstory is detailed. In MaxNormal.TV, she went by the stage name Yolandi Visser. MaxNormal.TV ĭu Toit was a member of the South African 'corporate' hip-hop group MaxNormal.TV, in which she played the role of Max Normal's personal assistant. The band released their debut and only album The Ziggurat in 2003. Career The Constructus Corporation ĭu Toit was asked by Watkin Tudor Jones (aka 'Ninja') to lend vocals for his project The Constructus Corporation. At 16, du Toit was sent to a boarding school nine hours away from her family's home where she says that she blossomed among other creative and artistic-minded people.

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Growing up, she has said she felt like she did not fit in or belong anywhere, and describes herself as 'a little punk' who frequently got into fistfights. She had an adoptive older brother, Leon, who died in 2015. As a baby, du Toit was adopted by clergyman, Reverend Ben du Toit, and his wife.

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